Friday, March 09, 2007


a couple days ago, i did my bi-daily walk around the building, giving away the bread i get from work and i went up to unit 312 and a malaysian lady, probably mid-60's comes to the door, who is so so little and she has really bad reumatoid arthritis. i give her the bread and she is so thankful...and invites me i go in...and hang out with her for a little bit. she asks me which unit i live in and i tell her i live in unit 12, on the ground floor underneath her. she asks me about our bbq and how come she never smells any meat being bbq'd? i tell her that meat is expensive...and ya...
and she said, well, i'll shout you a round of meat.
and i said no no no no thankyou but no.
after me trying to refuse mulitple more times she says that she is doing this from her heart and that when i can afford it, i can do something similar for someone.
she gave me 20 dollars to buy meat, and then i ended up just chatting with her for about an hour. i left her my mobile number and told her if she needed anything ever, to call me.
so she made my whole life. she was the sweetest little thing.
this is what came of lila's generosity:mmmm good eatin'.

today i got a lot of good emails from good people. it was nice.


At 6:10 AM , Blogger A.Joy said...

lila is my hero.

At 7:54 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

i love this story. isn't it so true...PAY IT FORWARD. i love that movie too...and the concept. see what being nice can do and what random acts of kindness can inspire? it is excellent.


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